50+ Examples of Company Core Values Examples.

50+ Examples of Company Core Values Examples.

Have you ever wondered what guides your decisions, shapes your character, and defines who you truly are? Imagine if life were a grand buffet, and your personal core values example were the invisible filters helping you choose what to put on your plate. These values, often hidden beneath the surface, play a pivotal role in your actions, reactions, and relationships.

Consider a person who values “authenticity” as one of their core values. They might find themselves uncomfortable in situations where they have to pretend or wear a mask. On the other hand, someone who treasures “kindness” might be a friend who’s always there with a warm smile or a helping hand.

Your core values example are like your internal compass, influencing not only the big life decisions but also the small everyday choices. Picture someone who values “adventure.” They might be the ones suggesting spontaneous road trips or trying exotic foods.

Sometimes, values conflict, creating dilemmas. Imagine a person who values “freedom” but also “loyalty.” They might find themselves torn between pursuing their dreams and staying committed to their responsibilities.

These values aren’t fixed; they can evolve as you grow and learn. Someone who previously cherished “success” might shift towards valuing “balance” as they realize the toll their hectic lifestyle takes on their well-being.

In this journey through the realm of personal core values, you’ll uncover what truly matters to you, what resonates with your soul, and what paints the unique masterpiece that is your life. So, let’s delve into this exploration, understanding how your values shape your choices, and how acknowledging them can lead you to a more fulfilling and purposeful existence.

In this blog,

What are personal core values?

What are the company’s core values?

50+ examples of company core values example by category

Corporate core values example vs. aspirational values?

Why are corporate core values examples important?

6 Real-life organizational core values example examples

Elements of Company Core Values

How to identify your company’s core values example (a step-by-step guide)

How to communicate your organization’s core values?

What are personal core values?

Personal values are the fundamental principles that guide your beliefs, behaviors, and decisions. They are the deeply rooted convictions that shape your character and define what you stand for. These values serve as a moral compass, influencing how you interact with others and navigate life’s choices.

Imagine your personal values example as the foundation of a house. They provide stability and structure to your actions and choices, helping you prioritize what is important to you. For instance, if “honesty” is a core value, you’ll likely prioritize truthfulness in your interactions.

These values often stem from experiences, upbringing, culture, and personal reflections. They can include concepts like “integrity,” “compassion,” “responsibility,” and more. For example, someone who values “respect” would treat others with consideration and esteem.

Personal core values example provide a framework for making decisions aligned with your authentic self. When faced with dilemmas, these values can guide you in choosing the path that resonates with your beliefs and aspirations. 

What are the company’s core values?

A company’s values examples are the foundational principles that define its culture, ethics, and identity. These values reflect the company’s beliefs, guiding its actions, decisions, and interactions. They provide a common ground for employees to align with the organization’s mission and vision. Company values examples might include concepts such as “innovation,” “integrity,” “teamwork,” and more. These values shape the company’s behavior, impacting how it serves customers, collaborates internally, and engages with the community.

50+ examples of company core values example by category

In a world of endless possibilities, core values example stand as guiding stars, illuminating paths of purpose and integrity. Let’s delve deeper into these values, exploring their significance and how they shape individuals and organizations.

Integrity and Trust:

  • Commitment: A promise to steadfastly pursue goals, even when challenges arise.
  • Honesty: The foundation of trust, where transparency and truthfulness reign.
  • Open-mindedness: A willingness to embrace diverse perspectives, fostering innovation.
  • Respect: Valuing the worth of individuals and their contributions.
  • Trust: The cornerstone of relationships, built on reliability and consistency.
  • Personal Responsibility: Owning one’s actions and their consequences.

Goals-Oriented Core Values:

  • Accountability: Taking ownership of commitments and ensuring their fulfillment.
  • Challenge: Embracing difficulties as opportunities for growth and learning.
  • Cost-conscious: Making informed decisions while considering resource implications.
  • Determination: A relentless pursuit of goals, undeterred by obstacles.
  • Drive: An inner motivation that propels consistent and passionate effort.
  • Empower: Granting individuals the tools and confidence to excel.
  • Growth: A commitment to continuous development and expansion.
  • Hard work: Diligently investing effort and dedication to achieve success.
  • Ownership: A sense of responsibility and ownership for tasks and outcomes.

Building a Better World:

  • Accessibility: Ensuring equal opportunities and access for all.
  • Boldness: Embracing innovation and pushing boundaries fearlessly.
  • Creativity: Fostering imaginative thinking and fresh perspectives.
  • Education: A commitment to knowledge sharing and lifelong learning.
  • Ethical: Adhering to moral principles in decision-making.
  • Environment: Protecting and preserving the natural world for future generations.
  • Impact: Striving to create meaningful and positive change.
  • Innovation: Pioneering new solutions and approaches.
  • Fair: Ensuring impartiality and fairness in all interactions.
  • Sustainability: Nurturing practices that ensure a thriving future for the planet.
  • Vision: Having a clear purpose and direction for the future.

People-Centric Core Values:

  • Teamwork: Collaborating seamlessly to achieve shared goals.
  • Inclusivity: Creating spaces where all individuals feel welcomed and valued.
  • Mutual respect: Recognizing and appreciating the worth of others.
  • Community: Building a sense of belonging and shared purpose.
  • Communication: Fostering open dialogue and active listening.
  • Courage: Facing challenges with bravery and conviction.
  • Curiosity: A desire to explore and learn about the world.
  • Belonging: Ensuring everyone feels a sense of connection and acceptance.
  • Diversity: Celebrating differences and embracing various perspectives.
  • Equity: Ensuring fairness and justice in opportunities and outcomes.
  • Inclusion: Creating environments where everyone is valued and included.
  • Leadership: Inspiring and guiding others towards collective success.
  • Passion: A fervent dedication and enthusiasm for pursuits.
  • Selflessness: Prioritizing the needs and well-being of others.
  • Human (and animal) rights: Upholding the rights and dignity of all beings.

In crafting a cohesive and enduring organization, these values are essential building blocks. While they’re unchanging in essence, their application evolves as contexts shift. Regular reflection ensures they remain aligned with actions and behaviors, weaving an intricate tapestry of authenticity and impact. Embrace the journey of exploring and embracing these values, for they hold the power to transform lives, organizations, and the world at large.

Corporate core values example vs. aspirational values?

Organizational values examples are the guiding principles that reflect an organization’s identity, culture, and desired behaviors. They serve as a compass for decision-making and actions, shaping the company’s interactions with both internal teams and external stakeholders. Organizational values examples are deeply ingrained and reflective of the company’s existing practices and beliefs.

On the other hand, aspirational values are the ideals that an organization aims to uphold but might not fully embody at present. These values represent the direction in which a company aspires to grow and develop. Aspirational values are often set with the intention of driving positive change and aligning the organization with higher standards.

While corporate core values example are grounded in reality and serve as the bedrock of the company’s culture, aspirational values are forward-looking and represent the company’s growth ambitions. Striking a balance between these two types of values is crucial. Core values example provide a solid foundation, while aspirational values inspire growth and progress. Together, they shape an organization’s journey toward excellence and help maintain alignment between current practices and future aspirations.

Why are corporate core values examples important?

Company core values examples play a vital role in shaping the identity and success of an organization. Here’s why they are important:

  • Guiding Principles: Company core values examples provide a clear and consistent framework for decision-making, ensuring that actions align with the organization’s mission and vision.
  • Cultural Foundation: They define the company’s culture and serve as a common language that unites employees, fostering a sense of belonging and shared purpose.
  • Behavioral Expectations: Core values example set expectations for desired behaviors and interactions among employees, promoting a positive and respectful work environment.
  • Recruitment and Retention: They attract individuals who resonate with the organization’s values, resulting in a workforce aligned with its mission and reducing turnover.
  • Stakeholder Confidence: External stakeholders, including customers and partners, appreciate companies that uphold values, fostering trust and long-lasting relationships.
  • Innovation and Decision-Making: Values encourage innovative thinking and risk-taking within a defined ethical framework, enabling agile and responsible decision-making.
  • Brand Identity: Values become a critical part of a company’s brand identity, differentiating it from competitors and contributing to its overall reputation.
  • Adaptability: Core values example provides a stable foundation during periods of change, helping organizations navigate challenges while staying true to their essence.
  • Employee Engagement: When employees align with core values, they feel a stronger sense of purpose and connection to their work, leading to higher engagement levels.
  • Performance Measurement: Values offer a benchmark for assessing performance and recognizing achievements, creating a culture of continuous improvement.
  • Long-Term Sustainability: Organizations with strong core values example are better positioned to weather challenges, adapt to changing market conditions, and maintain resilience over time.


6 Real-life organizational core values example examples

Certainly! Here are six distinct examples of organizational core values example that shed light on how companies uphold their guiding principles:

  • Netflix
  • Freedom with Responsibility: Empower employees to make decisions while holding them accountable for their actions.
  • Innovation: Foster a culture where creative thinking thrives, leading to groundbreaking content and solutions.
  • Courage: Encourage taking bold risks and embracing change in the ever-evolving entertainment landscape.


  • Zappos
  • Deliver WOW Through Service: Provide exceptional customer experiences that go beyond expectations.
  • Embrace and Drive Change: Embody adaptability and innovation to stay at the forefront of online retail.
  • Build Open and Honest Relationships: Foster trust and transparency with customers, employees, and partners.


  • Southwest Airlines
  • Warrior Spirit: Exhibit a can-do attitude and determination to overcome challenges.
  • Servant’s Heart: Prioritize the well-being of others through genuine care and empathy.
  • Fun-LUVing Attitude: Infuse a sense of joy and camaraderie into every interaction.


  • REI (Recreational Equipment Inc.)
  • Authenticity: Cultivate a genuine connection with customers through transparency and honesty.
  • Quality: Provide outdoor gear and experiences that stand the test of rugged environments.
  • Stewardship: Champion environmental responsibility and promote outdoor conservation.


  • Chick-fil-A
  • Customer First: Prioritize customer satisfaction by exceeding expectations with exceptional service.
  • Teamwork: Foster a collaborative environment where every team member’s contribution is valued.
  • Giving Back: Make a positive impact by investing in communities and charitable initiatives.


  • SpaceX
  • Relentless Pursuit of Excellence: Strive for unmatched quality and innovation in space exploration.
  • Adaptability: Embrace rapid change and iteration to advance technology and achieve ambitious goals.
  • Ownership: Take responsibility for tasks and projects, fostering a culture of accountability.

Elements of Company Core Values

Company core values example is composed of several essential elements that collectively define an organization’s identity, culture, and guiding principles:

  • Alignment with Mission: Core values examples resonate with the company’s overall mission, reflecting its purpose and long-term objectives.
  • Clear Language: Values are articulated in concise and easily understandable terms, ensuring they are accessible to all employees.
  • Actionable Statements: Values are stated as actionable behaviors rather than abstract concepts, providing practical guidance for decision-making.
  • Relevance: Values are relevant to the company’s industry, context, and the aspirations of its employees and stakeholders.
  • Consistency: Values remain consistent over time, serving as a stable foundation even as the organization evolves.
  • Reflective of Culture: Values mirror the organization’s desired culture and the behaviors it seeks to promote among employees.
  • Aspirational and Attainable: Values strike a balance between reflecting current practices and inspiring growth toward higher standards.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: Values embrace diversity and inclusion, fostering an environment where every individual is valued and respected.
  • Embedded in Practices: Values are integrated into various aspects of the organization, from hiring and training to performance evaluation.
  • Leadership Exemplification: Leaders embody the core values example in their actions, setting an example for employees at all levels.
  • Feedback-driven: Values are refined based on feedback from employees and stakeholders, ensuring their continued relevance.
  • Impactful: Values have a tangible impact on the organization’s operations, culture, and relationships with stakeholders.
  • Measurable Impact: Values are tied to specific outcomes, enabling measurement of their influence on employee engagement and business success.


How to identify your company’s core values example (a step-by-step guide)

Defining your company’s core values example is an ongoing journey, irrespective of where your organization stands – be it an early-stage startup or a well-established global player. The process may have nuanced variations, but the essence remains consistent: crafting a set of guiding principles that resonate throughout your company’s endeavors.

Here’s a comprehensive step-by-step guide to defining your company’s core values:


  1. Appoint Ownership: At the outset, decide who will lead this crucial process. Whether it’s an individual or a group, their responsibility lies in steering the process towards clarity and coherence.
  2. Ensure Accountability: Accountability is pivotal. Agree on how the responsibility will be upheld, ensuring that the focus remains on core values, not swayed by aspirational ones. This vigilance is essential in the throes of daily operations.
  3. Engage Leadership: Rally the commitment of your executive leadership team, C-suite, or co-founders. Converse about the significance of core values examples and their transformative potential. Explore how these values can drive positive change.
  4. Individual Insights: Dive into one-on-one conversations with the executive leadership team, C-suite members, or co-founders. Understand their collaborative dynamics and glean insights into what aspects matter most to them.
  5. Seek Inspiration: Look beyond your industry confines for inspiration. Explore companies across sectors renowned for their robust core values. Delve into their core value descriptions to uncover the essence that ignites their success.
  6. Dive into Details: Investigate the minutiae of these inspiring companies’ core values. Dissect their meanings, understand the intentions behind each value, and grasp why these values resonate with their respective organizations.
  7. Gather Feedback: With a draft of potential core values example in hand, turn to your organization. Seek input and insights from your team members. Diverse perspectives can contribute to crafting a well-rounded and inclusive set of values.
  8. Concise Articulation: Once core values examples are chosen, take the time to concisely yet deliberately articulate what they signify for your organization. This articulation is not only for external communication but for internal understanding as well.
  9. Internal Presentation: Share the distilled core values example within your organization. Organize a forum for questions and answers, addressing any concerns and aligning the team’s understanding with these values.
  10.  Cultural Integration: The journey doesn’t culminate with the mere articulation of values. What follows is the imperative task of embedding these core values examples into the very fabric of your company’s culture. This undertaking necessitates a holistic approach that aligns every facet of the organization – be it processes, interactions, or decisions – with these foundational values

How to communicate your organization’s core values?

Sharing your organization’s core values example is like painting a vivid picture of what your company stands for. Everyone must understand, believe in, and live these values daily. Let’s explore how you can communicate them effectively:

  • Define Values with Clarity: To effectively communicate core values, begin by crafting clear and concise statements that define each value. Avoid using complicated or technical terms. Instead, opt for simple language that everyone in your organization can easily understand. When the values are straightforward, they become accessible and relatable to all employees, regardless of their roles or backgrounds.
  • Weave Values into Daily Life: Embedding core values examples into daily activities and decision-making is essential. Show employees how these values align with their routine tasks, interactions, and choices. When they can see the direct relevance of values in their work, it encourages them to internalize and embrace those values. This practical connection makes the values more meaningful and integrated into their professional lives.
  • Bring Values to Life with Stories: Narrating real-life stories that exemplify each core value can significantly impact how they are perceived. Stories have a unique way of engaging people emotionally and capturing their attention. When employees hear about specific instances where colleagues embodied the values, it helps them visualize and understand the values’ application in real-world scenarios.
  • Visualize Values: Utilize visual aids to convey core values. Graphics, posters, or short videos can visually represent each value’s essence. Visuals have a lasting impact on memory retention and comprehension. When employees see these visual representations regularly, they can associate images with values, making them easier to recall and apply in their work.
  • Introduce Values Early: During the orientation process for new hires, introduce them to your organization’s core values. Explain the significance of these values in shaping the company’s culture and decisions. By acquainting new employees with values right from the start, you set clear expectations for behavior and provide them with a foundation to align with the company’s ethos.
  • Use Internal Communication Channels: Leverage internal communication channels like emails, newsletters, and intranet platforms to consistently reinforce core values. Regular communication ensures that values stay fresh in employees’ minds and remain a central focus of the company’s messaging. Use different communication tools to cater to diverse preferences within your workforce.
  • Recognize Value-Driven Efforts: Celebrate employees who actively embody core values example through recognition and rewards. When you acknowledge their alignment with values, it reinforces the importance of values in the workplace culture. Others are inspired to follow suit, and a positive cycle of value-driven behavior is fostered throughout the organization.
  • Engage through Workshops: Conduct workshops or training sessions dedicated to core values. These sessions offer a platform for employees to delve deeper into understanding the values’ meanings and applications. Encourage interactive discussions, case studies, and role-playing to facilitate comprehensive learning and engagement.
  • Lead by Living Values: Leaders and managers should serve as living examples of the core values example in action. When employees witness leaders demonstrating values in their decision-making, communication, and behavior, it creates a powerful impact. Leaders become role models, showing that values are not just words but principles to live by.
  • Encourage Open Conversations: Create a safe and open space for employees to engage in discussions about core values. Regularly hold dialogues where employees can share their thoughts, experiences, and insights related to the values. This fosters a sense of ownership and inclusivity, as diverse perspectives contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the values’ implications in various contexts.



Core values example serve as the moral compass guiding an organization’s journey. They are not mere words plastered on office walls; they shape the very essence of how a company operates, engages with stakeholders, and navigates challenges. As individuals contribute their unique talents and perspectives to the collective effort, these values provide a unifying framework that propels the organization forward.

When core values examples are effectively communicated, they transcend being abstract concepts and become integral to daily work life. They influence decisions, interactions, and outcomes, fostering a cohesive and harmonious workplace culture. Through stories, visuals, and constant reinforcement, values become deeply ingrained, reflecting the behavior of each employee.

Furthermore, core values example create an environment where everyone has a shared sense of purpose. They instill a sense of pride and ownership, motivating employees to align their actions with the organization’s vision. Recognizing and celebrating those who exemplify these values further reinforces their importance and encourages others to follow suit.

By integrating core values examples into recruitment, training, and performance evaluations, organizations can ensure that they not only talk the talk but also walk the walk. Leaders, as living embodiments of these values, set the tone for the entire organization, amplifying the impact of the values-driven culture.

In the end, a company’s core values example are more than words on paper; they are the heart and soul of an organization’s identity. When communicated effectively, they empower employees to uphold the values, leading to an environment of trust, collaboration, and growth. Through this journey of defining, communicating, and living core values, companies can create a lasting legacy built upon principles that withstand the test of time.


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