Statement of the Problem Examples and How to Write One
In a world full of complexities and challenges, problems surround us from all angles. But what sets apart a successful problem-solver from others is their ability to identify and articulate the core issues with utmost clarity. This is where the...
5 Steps to Stop Self-sabotaging, Tips and Examples.
Have you ever found yourself making progress towards your goals, only to suddenly stumble and fall backward? It’s like taking one step forward and two steps back. This self-sabotaging behavior is more common than you might think, and it can...
Importance of Communication and 10 Easy Ways to Improve Communication Skills.
In a world where words hold immense power, have you ever pondered the importance of communication in our daily lives? Picture a romantic relationship where partners share their feelings openly, understand each other’s needs, and build a deeper connection. In...
15 Personal Values Examples, and How to Live by Your Personal Values.
In our fast-paced world, understanding our core values often takes a backseat. Yet, they are our life’s compass, guiding decisions, relationships, and fulfillment. Discovering these values is vital for empathy, emotional regulation, and effective communication. Our values define us, shaping...
Benefits of a Life Coach and How to Find the Right One For You.
In a world full of challenges and opportunities, have you ever wondered how someone can guide and support you to navigate through life and reach your full potential? That’s where a life coach comes in—a person who inspires and empowers...
How to Manifest anything you desire!
“I think it is possible for ordinary people to choose to be extraordinary.” – Elon Musk. Success comes to those who manifest it, and Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk is no different. He has aced every venture he has taken up....
How to write a two-week notice?
Almost everyone in some point of their life, quits the job. Are you quitting your job for the better? Your journey of breaking a monotonous work cycle starts with the daunting task of writing your notice. But this can be...
How to Develop a Growth Mindset.
When you see people that are successful, skillful, or intelligent, how do you think they reached there? What did they endure to earn those characteristics? Or did they just get lucky? These characteristics result from hard work, perseverance, persistent learning,...
Questions to ask a hiring manager
You’ve probably heard that preparation is essential when it comes to interviews. A list of questions to ask the hiring manager should be at the top of your preparation list. Hiring managers always provide time after discussions for job candidates...
Type A personality
Every person is a unique combination of four personality types. Over the centuries, these basic categories have gone by several names and designations, but for our purposes, they’re known as the director, the socializer, the thinker, and the supporter. As...