15 Legitimate Reasons to Call Out of Work and Bad Excuses to Avoid.

15 Legitimate Reasons to Call Out of Work and Bad Excuses to Avoid.

Have you ever found yourself torn between taking a legitimate sick day and coming up with bad excuses to get out of work? Balancing work commitments with personal well-being can be a challenging tightrope to walk. On one hand, there are genuine reasons to call out of work, such as being genuinely ill, dealing with a family emergency, or facing severe weather conditions that impede travel. These legitimate reasons to call out of work deserve understanding and support from employers and colleagues. On the other hand, some excuses to get out of work can come across as less credible and may raise eyebrows among colleagues and supervisors alike.

We all encounter situations where taking a day off work becomes a necessity, and employers typically appreciate honest and open communication from their employees. Understanding and recognizing legitimate reasons to call out of work is essential for fostering a healthy work environment that prioritizes employee well-being. Employers should strive to create a culture that encourages employees to take care of themselves and allows them the flexibility to address personal challenges when they arise. Building strong relationships at work is also crucial. Learn more about workplace friendships in our article on qualities of a good friend.

However, it is equally important for employees to be aware of the consequences of using bad excuses to avoid work. Repeatedly relying on fabricated tales or flimsy justifications can erode trust with supervisors and colleagues, ultimately impacting one’s professional reputation. Building a strong reputation for reliability and accountability is crucial for career growth and success.

In this article, we delve into the world of work absences, exploring the legitimate reasons to call out of work that justify time off and the bad excuses that employees might be tempted to use. By understanding the line between valid reasons and questionable good excuses to miss work, employees can navigate their work responsibilities with integrity and honesty. We also provide insights on how to communicate effectively with employers when requesting time off for legitimate reasons, fostering a harmonious work environment built on trust and open communication.

Ultimately, striking the right balance between personal needs and professional obligations is key to creating a healthy work-life integration that benefits both employees and employers. By recognizing the importance of legitimatereasons to call out of work and avoiding the pitfalls of bad excuses, employees can maintain a positive professional image while taking care of their well-being. Let’s explore the art of responsible work absences and the impact it has on individual careers and workplace dynamics.

In this Blog,

  • 15 Good Reasons to Call Off Work 
  • Valid Last Minute Reasons to Call Off Work 
  • 10 Ways to Call Off Work 
  • Tips on Returning to Work Without Feeling Overwhelmed 
  • 3 Examples of Calling Off Work
    • Email
    • Message
    • Call
  • Bad Excuses to Avoid 
  • Takeaway 

15 Good Reasons to Call Off Work 

  • Sickness: If you’re unwell, it’s okay to call off work. Working while sick hinders productivity and risks spreading illness to colleagues. Resting at home helps you recover faster and avoids team-wide sickness. Some employers may require a doctor’s note for legitimacy, so seeking medical help is beneficial for proof and treatment.
  •  Childcare Issues: Being a working parent is challenging, and unexpected childcare issues can arise. Babysitters or daycare centers may not be available, and you can’t leave your child home alone. Prioritizing your child’s safety is crucial, and taking time off in such situations is a valid reason.
  • Family Emergency: Family emergencies encompass unexpected situations affecting family health or safety. This broad definition acknowledges that family comes first. Valid reasons to call out of work include sudden illness in a child, spouse, or relative needing urgent assistance. The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) may provide up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for qualifying situations. Keeping your employer informed is essential as circumstances unfold.
  • It’s a Special Occasion: Planning to celebrate a special occasion? Giving advance notice to your employer allows you to take time off without hassle. Managers usually understand and accept this reason for missing work, as long as you’re honest. Special occasions include events outside your regular routine, like class reunions, family gatherings, or your child’s performance.
  • Food poisoning: Experiencing food poisoning can severely affect your body and disrupt your sleep. Calling out of work is reasonable as you need time to rest and recover. Prioritizing your well-being and taking the necessary time off is normal in such situations.
  • Last-minute doctor’s appointment : While medical appointments usually allow for advance notice, rare situations may require last-minute call-outs. For instance, an opportunity to see a specialist with limited availability may arise suddenly, prompting the need to miss work. Clear communication with your manager ensures their support as you prioritize your health and well-being.
  • Caring for a pet: When your pet faces an emergency, it’s a valid reason to call out of work. Whether they ingested something harmful, have health issues, or need a medical appointment, prioritizing their well-being is essential. Managers often understand the importance of attending to pet emergencies, allowing you to take the necessary time off.
  • Car problem: Car troubles, from flat tires to accidents, can disrupt your day. Addressing issues promptly is crucial, even if it means calling out of work for a few hours. In case of severe accidents, longer delays may occur. Inform your manager as soon as possible to handle the situation responsibly.
  • Religious Event: Recognized holidays may not cover all cultural and religious events, but don’t hesitate to call off work for such occasions. Even if others don’t, it’s a valid reason, and most managers understand. Advance notice is possible since holidays are predictable. Employers should respect religious freedom, and contesting this reason may lead to legal issues.
  • Home Emergency: Dealing with a sudden home emergency, like a burst pipe, demands immediate attention to prevent extensive damage. Addressing repair issues requires your presence to allow experts in and assess the situation. Additionally, last-minute important deliveries may necessitate time off. Having a good relationship with your employer helps in explaining the situation and receiving understanding, especially if you’re an honest and diligent worker.
  • Jury duty: Receiving a jury summons is a legitimate reason to request time off work. Jury duty is a civic responsibility that can’t be avoided, so notify your employer as soon as possible. Federal law mandates unpaid time off for jury duty, while some states may require paid leave. Be prepared to show your official jury summons to your employer as proof.
  • Your Pet Is Missing: If your pet goes missing, it’s a valid reason to miss work, just like when they’re ill. Your pet is a cherished member of your family, and finding them is crucial. Taking time off to search for them is understandable, as locating a lost pet can be time-consuming. Devoting your attention and energy to finding them is essential, and employers should understand your concern for your beloved pet.
  • You Need to Take Care of Someone in Your Family: Caring for a family member is a strong reason to call off work, similar to a family emergency. Whether sudden or with advance notice, being the primary caregiver is vital. Your loved one may need your support due to illness or post-surgery care. If no one else can step in, taking on the caregiver role becomes essential. Inform your employer professionally and provide as much notice as possible.
  • You’re Moving: Moving is a significant event that often requires time off work. While ideally, you’d schedule it outside of work hours, emergencies or unexpected situations may arise. Sudden eviction or natural disasters can force immediate moves. In such cases, it’s crucial to explain the situation to your employer and seek understanding. Missing work during a move is common, and communicating honestly can help alleviate any concerns.
  • You had a minor accident or injury: If you’ve experienced a minor accident or injury, it’s a valid reason to call off work. Your well-being is essential, and taking time to recover ensures you can perform at your best when you return. Inform your employer promptly and focus on your health and recuperation.

Valid Last Minute Reasons to Call Off Work 

  • Sudden Illness: Sudden illness, such as flu or food poisoning, is a valid reasons to call out of work to prevent spreading illness to colleagues and ensure proper rest and recovery. In such cases, taking time off can contribute to a healthier work environment and faster recuperation. It also shows consideration for your colleagues’ well-being and avoids the risk of reduced productivity due to illness. Prioritizing your health benefits both you and your workplace in the long run.
  • Home Repair: Home repair emergencies, like burst pipes or electrical issues, may require immediate attention and make it unsafe or impossible to work. Calling off work ensures you can address the situation promptly and avoid further damage.
  • Weather Conditions: Extreme weather conditions, like severe storms or dangerous road conditions, may pose risks to your safety and hinder your ability to commute to work. Calling off work in such situations ensures your well-being and prevents accidents or delays.
  • Important Appointments: Important medical or personal appointments, like doctor visits or legal obligations, may arise unexpectedly, necessitating time off from work. Informing your employer allows you to prioritize necessary appointments and manage your responsibilities effectively.
  • Unforeseen Personal Obligations: Unforeseen personal obligations, such as family emergencies or unforeseen events, can require immediate attention and prevent you from going to work. Requesting time off allows you to address these urgent matters and maintain a healthy work-life balance.
  • Funeral Attendance: Attending a funeral for a loved one or close friend is a valid reasons to call out of work. Grieving and paying respects are essential for emotional well-being, and employers generally understand and provide compassionate leave for such situations.
  • Allergic Reactions: Severe allergic reactions can be unexpected and may require immediate medical attention, leading to the need to call off work. Prioritizing your health and safety is crucial, and employers usually understand the urgency of managing severe allergies appropriately.
  • Power Outage: Experiencing a power outage can disrupt essential services, making it challenging to work from home or access the workplace. Calling off work in such situations is reasonable, as you may have no control over the situation and need to wait for power restoration.
  • Public Transportation Delay: Unforeseen public transportation delays, such as train or bus disruptions, can make it impossible to reach work on time. Notifying your employer about the delay allows you to address the situation promptly and find alternative arrangements to minimize work disruptions.
  • Internet Outage: An unexpected internet outage can prevent you from working remotely or accessing essential online tools. Informing your employer about the situation enables you to address the issue promptly and ensures you can resume work once the internet connection is restored. During an internet outage, staying proactive and notifying your employer allows them to understand the situation and make necessary adjustments to deadlines or tasks. It also demonstrates your commitment to maintaining productivity and shows that you are taking appropriate measures to resolve the issue swiftly. Keeping lines of communication open ensures a smooth workflow despite the temporary inconvenience.

10 Ways to Call Off Work

Calling off work is a situation that requires responsible and timely communication to ensure a smooth transition in your absence. Below are ten essential steps to follow when notifying your employer about your inability to work on a specific day and the best excuses to get out of work.

  1. Notify as Early as Possible: The importance of early notification cannot be overstated when it comes to calling off work. The moment you become aware of the need to take a day off, inform your employer as soon as possible. Early notification allows them to make necessary arrangements to cover your responsibilities and minimizes any inconvenience caused by your absence. By providing ample notice, you show respect for your employer’s time and demonstrate your commitment to maintaining a productive and efficient work environment.
  2. Direct Communication: When calling off work, it is crucial to communicate directly with your supervisor or manager. Avoid leaving messages with co-workers or sending emails as this may lead to miscommunication or delays in the message reaching the right person. Speaking directly with your supervisor ensures that they are aware of your absence and can respond accordingly. It also allows for immediate feedback or instructions, if necessary, to ensure a smooth transition during your absence.
  3. Be Clear: When notifying your employer about your absence, be clear and concise about the best excuses to get out of work. Whether you are facing illness, personal emergencies, or any other valid reason, honesty and transparency are essential. Clearly state the nature of the issue, without going into unnecessary detail, to ensure that your employer understands the situation and can make appropriate arrangements in your absence.
  4. Follow Company Policy: Every workplace has its policies and procedures for requesting leave or calling off work. It is essential to adhere to these policies and follow the prescribed protocol for notifying your employer. This may include specific notification methods, required documentation, or approval procedures. By following company policy, you show respect for the established guidelines and demonstrate your commitment to being a responsible and compliant employee.
  5. Provide Details: While being clear and concise about the reasons to call out of work, it is helpful to provide additional details such as the expected duration of your leave and when you plan to return to work. This information enables your employer to plan accordingly and ensures a smooth transition upon your return. If there are any specific tasks or responsibilities that need to be addressed during your absence, communicate this information as well to facilitate effective workload management.
  6. Be Professional: When calling off work, maintain a professional and courteous tone in your communication with your employer. Avoid being overly apologetic or defensive about your absence. Instead, focus on conveying the necessary information in a straightforward and respectful manner. Being professional in your approach shows maturity and demonstrates your commitment to maintaining a positive working relationship with your employer.
  7. Offer Solutions: If possible, suggest how you can handle your pending tasks or delegate them to a co-worker during your absence. This proactive approach demonstrates your commitment to fulfilling your responsibilities despite your time off. By offering solutions, you alleviate concerns about work being left undone and showcase your dedication to the team’s success. Your employer will appreciate your initiative and willingness to ensure a smooth workflow during your absence.
  8. Follow-Up: While on leave, it is essential to keep your employer informed about your progress and any changes in your situation, if necessary. Regular updates show responsibility and consideration for your team. If your absence extends beyond the initially communicated duration, inform your employer promptly to allow for proper planning and rescheduling of tasks. Maintaining open lines of communication during your absence helps build trust and demonstrates your commitment to staying connected with the team, even when you are away.
  9. Provide Necessary Documentation: Some companies require documentation for absences, such as a doctor’s note for illness-related leaves. If your company has such policies in place, ensure to submit the necessary documentation promptly. This helps validate the authenticity of your reason for calling off work and ensures compliance with company procedures. Providing required documentation also facilitates accurate record-keeping and ensures transparency in managing employee attendance.
  10. Communicate with Co-workers: If your absence will impact your team or co-workers, it is essential to inform them in advance. This includes letting them know about your absence, any tasks or responsibilities they may need to handle during your time off, and any changes to team schedules or priorities. Effective communication within the team ensures a collaborative approach to managing the workload and fosters a supportive work environment.

Tips on Returning to Work Without Feeling Overwhelmed 

Returning to work after a break, such as the holidays, can often feel overwhelming as you transition from a relaxed and leisurely pace back into the demands of your professional life. However, with some thoughtful planning and a strategic approach, you can ease back into work and regain your productivity without feeling burdened. By following these tips and utilizing good excuses to get out of work when necessary, you can strike a balance between personal and professional responsibilities, ensuring a smoother reintegration into the workplace.

  • Establish a Routine: After days of sleeping in and enjoying a carefree schedule, it’s crucial to get back into a regular routine. Prioritize a consistent sleep schedule to ensure you wake up refreshed and ready for the day. Consider planning your meals in advance to maintain a healthy diet and incorporate some form of exercise into your daily routine. By setting a structured schedule, you’ll quickly reacclimate to the work environment.
  • Organize Your Space and Plan Ahead: A cluttered and disorganized workspace can add to feelings of overwhelm. Take the time to tidy up your desk and create a to-do list for your first day back. Prioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance. By organizing your physical and mental space, you’ll gain a clear sense of direction and purpose.
  • Catch Up on Progress: Meeting with colleagues and supervisors upon your return can provide valuable insights into project updates and developments during your absence. Take the opportunity to discuss any changes or new tasks that may have arisen. Understanding the current status of projects will enable you to re-prioritize and dive back into your work with confidence.
  • Allocate Time for Research Reading: If your work involves research or academic reading, allocate dedicated time for this task. Schedule uninterrupted periods during your day to delve into important literature or articles. By creating designated time slots for research reading, you’ll stay updated on the latest developments in your field and feel more prepared to tackle upcoming assignments. Additionally, having good excuses to get out of work temporarily when needed can help you avoid distractions and maximize your productivity during these focused reading sessions. Remember, striking a balance between work and personal development is essential for long-term success in your profession.
  • Avoid Procrastination: After a break, it’s common to feel a bit sluggish when approaching work tasks. Combat procrastination by setting clear goals and deadlines for your daily tasks. Break down larger projects into smaller, manageable steps to make progress more achievable. Stay focused and remind yourself of the satisfaction you’ll feel once you complete each task.
  • Manage Email Overload: Upon your return, your inbox may be flooded with emails that require attention. To prevent feeling overwhelmed, start your day by addressing high-priority tasks and critical projects before diving into your emails. Use flags or stars to mark urgent messages that need immediate attention, and schedule time later in the day to respond to other non-urgent emails.
  • Take Small Steps and Celebrate Progress: Returning to work after a break doesn’t mean you have to jump headfirst into an avalanche of tasks. Take small steps to ease back into your work rhythm. Celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how minor they may seem, to build confidence and motivation. Recognize that productivity may take some time to fully recover, and be patient with yourself.

3 Examples of Calling Off Work 

  • Email

Subject: Urgent: Unforeseen Circumstances Preventing My Attendance Today

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inform you of an unexpected situation that has arisen, which unfortunately requires me to call off work today.

This morning, as I was preparing to leave for work, I encountered a unique challenge when my cherished pet parrot, Kiwi, decided to embark on an unplanned adventure. Kiwi managed to sneak out of the backyard and flew off into the neighboring trees. As you can imagine, finding him has become my utmost priority, and I am currently coordinating with local animal rescue teams to bring him safely back home.

Given the circumstances, I regretfully have to request a day off to focus on Kiwi’s safe return and to ensure his well-being. He has been my loyal companion for years, and I cannot bear the thought of him being lost or in danger.

I understand the inconvenience this may cause, and I deeply apologize for any disruption to the team’s plans for the day. If there is any urgent work that needs to be addressed in my absence, please do not hesitate to reach out to me via phone or email, and I will do my best to assist remotely.

Rest assured, I will provide updates on Kiwi’s situation throughout the day, and I am committed to resuming work as soon as possible. I have already notified my team members of my absence and will coordinate with them on any pending tasks or projects.

Once again, I apologize for any inconvenience caused, and I truly appreciate your understanding during this unique situation. I promise to make up for any lost time and ensure a seamless transition upon my return.

Thank you for your support and consideration.

Best Regards,

[Your Name]

  • Message

Hey <Name here>, 

Hope you are doing well. On my way to the office, my car broke down. I won’t be able to make it to work today as I have to look into this unexpected situation. Sorry for this inconvenience, I’ll be back at work as soon as this resolves. Also, please let me know if there is anything else I can assist with remotely during this time.


[Your Name]

  • Call

Employee: Hello, this is [Your Name].

Supervisor: Hi [Your Name], how are you doing?

Employee: I’m doing well, thank you. Actually, I’m calling to inform you that I won’t be able to make it to work today.

Supervisor: Oh, I see. Is everything okay?

Employee: Unfortunately, I had a bit of a car situation this morning. My car broke down on the way to work, and it’s currently being towed to the mechanic.

Supervisor: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do to help?

Employee: Thank you for your concern. I’ve already informed my team about my absence, and they are aware of the tasks that need attention.

Supervisor: Alright, I’ll let them know as well. Just take care of yourself and focus on getting your car fixed.

Employee: Thank you, I really appreciate your understanding.

Supervisor: Of course, accidents happen, and we all need some flexibility. If you need anything or if there’s anything I can do to assist, feel free to reach out.

Employee: Thank you, [Supervisor’s Name], I’ll keep you updated on the situation. I’ll also make sure to complete any pending work remotely if possible.

Supervisor: Sounds good. Take the time you need, and we’ll manage things here. Get well soon, and I hope your car gets fixed quickly.

Employee: Thanks again for your support. I’ll be in touch.

Supervisor: Take care, [Your Name]. Talk to you soon.

Employee: Goodbye.

[End call]

Bad Excuses to Avoid 

  • Oversleeping: Frequent tardiness due to oversleeping reflects poorly on time management skills and can be perceived as irresponsible behavior.
  • Traffic: Blaming traffic regularly may be seen as a lack of planning for your commute, and it can raise concerns about punctuality and reliability.
  • Family Member’s Birthday: While acknowledging important family events is necessary, using this is not a good excuse to miss work too often can appear insincere and raise doubts about your commitment to work.
  • Hangover: Using a hangover as an excuse raises questions about your professionalism and personal habits, affecting how others perceive your reliability.
  • Netflix Binge: Binge-watching should not be a reason for incomplete work or lateness, as it indicates poor time management and lack of dedication.
  • Pet Issues: Frequent pet-related excuses may be seen as unreliable and may lead to doubts about your ability to manage personal and professional responsibilities.
  • Food Poisoning (Repeatedly): Using this excuse often may be met with skepticism and may cause doubts about the validity of your reasons for absence.
  • Computer/Internet Problems: Regularly blaming technical issues for incomplete work or missed deadlines can raise concerns about your proficiency and preparedness.
  • Car Troubles (Frequent): Frequent car issues may lead to concerns about vehicle maintenance and may be viewed as an excuse for poor planning.
  • Feeling Tired: Using tiredness as an excuse for absenteeism can be perceived as lacking commitment to your responsibilities and may raise questions about your ability to manage your workload effectively.


Effective communication and genuine reasons for calling off work are crucial for maintaining a positive professional image. Valid reasons, such as sudden illness, family emergencies, or personal obligations, should be communicated to employers with honesty and respect. Providing ample notice and adhering to company policies when taking time off is essential for ensuring a smooth workflow and maintaining trust with colleagues and supervisors.

On the other hand, using bad excuses to avoid work can lead to skepticism, damage professional credibility, and negatively impact career growth. Consistently relying on insincere explanations, like oversleeping, traffic, or technical problems, can erode trust and raise doubts about reliability and commitment to work responsibilities.

In the workplace, transparency and responsibility play pivotal roles in building strong relationships and fostering a positive work environment. By understanding the importance of genuine reasons for taking time off and avoiding bad excuses, employees can demonstrate professionalism, dedication, and respect for their roles, contributing to their own growth and the overall success of the organization.

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